Third-Generation CPTED - Integrating crime prevention and neighbourhood liveability (2022) by Gregory Saville & Mateja Mihinjac (book edited by Miguel Saraiva)
Synopsis: The most recent conceptualisation of CPTED was by who introduced a new theoretical framework that amalgamates these developments with contemporary urbanisation challenges to develop a holistic integrated model of CPTED centred on neighbourhood liveability and conceptualisation of human needs (Mihinjac and Saville, Social Sciences 8:182, 2019). This chapter builds on this new conceptualisation of the Third-Generation CPTED by introducing the four sustainability strategies—4 S that form building blocks for developing safe, sustainable and liveable neighbourhoods and cities. The 4 S strategies: (a) environmental sustainability, (b) social sustainability, (c) economic sustainability and (d) public health sustainability are further deconstructed into examples of specific tactics that CPTED practitioners, planners, community developers, local communities and other professionals could employ. Some indicators for those tactics are also provided to promote empirical testing. The document on the left contains selected pages only. You can find and download the full book chapter here. |
Third-Generation Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED) (2019) by Mateja Mihinjac & Gregory Saville
Synopsis: This paper advances crime prevention through environmental design (CPTED) theory and practice by introducing a holistic and integrated crime prevention theory called Third-Generation CPTED. We use Third-Generation CPTED to expand both the situational focus of traditional CPTED and the social ecology/neighbourhood focus of Second-Generation CPTED, by creating a new theory that integrates human motivation and aspirations within a neighbourhood Liveability Hierarchy. Central to our theory is the planning concept of liveability and, because safety from crime, fear, and victimization is such an integral part of quality of life, we present two underlying themes on which liveability depends: public health and sustainability. We propose some theoretical assumptions and propositions that underpin the theory and suggest areas for future research. Our contention is that a holistic and integrative Third-Generation CPTED elevates liveability from the role of basic infrastructure and habitat to providing residents with opportunities to enhance their own personal aspirations and improve their quality of life. You can find and download the article here. |
SafeGrowth: Building neighborhoods of safety & livability (2018) edited by Gregory Saville
Synopsis: Our SafeGrowth book provides a comprehensive overview of philosophical, theoretical and practical concepts for building cohesive neighborhoods of safety and livability for 21st Century. In Part 1 the book begins by introducing a new way of thinking about neighborhoods and crime problem solving. Part 2 summarizes key themes that emerged during a Canmore SafeGrowth summit. Part 3 features SafeGrowth and related ideas from three North American cities. Finally, Part 4 deconstructs four tenets that build SafeGrowth theory and practice, and concludes with a vision for the future. You can read the introductory chapters on the left and order the book here. |
SafeGrowth: Moving forward in neighbourhood development (2009) by Gregory Saville Synopsis: Traditional crime prevention planning methods are implemented to or for neighborhoods resulting in unsustainable and costly interventions. This article introduces the success of SafeGrowth® to academic audience on a case of a troubled Toronto neighborhood. You can find the original publication here. |
You in blue: A guide for the new cop (2015) by Gregory Saville and Gerard Cleveland Synopsis: Intelligent policing in the 21st Century policing is at the forefront of safe communities. This book serves as a guide for recruits, their trainers, leaders, or anyone in public safety who wants to work intelligently. You can read the introductory chapter on the right and order the book here. |