Dr. ALLISON MARTINCRIMINOLOGY SPECIALIST & UNIVERSITY PROFESSORDr. Allison Martin is a faculty member at San José State University, California with over 10 years of experience in higher education. She holds a PhD in Criminology and Criminal Justice from the University of South Carolina. Allison's research encompasses several areas, including criminological theory, police behavior and policy evaluation. As a criminologist, Allison is driven by a passion for promoting safe communities and equity through her academic and community-focused endeavors.
Her journey with SafeGrowth in Palm Springs, CA, stands out as a remarkable chapter in her career. While her focus has predominantly been on academia, this past year with the SafeGrowth team provided her with a unique opportunity to dive into the practitioner's world. Her experiences with SafeGrowth have enriched her perspective on community engagement and collaboration in addressing complex societal issues. SafeGrowth's emphasis on collaborative initiatives and the empowerment of communities aligns perfectly with her research objectives. It not only broadens her perspective but also reinforces her commitment to creating safer, more equitable communities. Allison is based in Oceanside, CA. |